Volume 2; Issue 2                                                  January 22, 2025

April 29 - May 1, 2025 | Oaklawn Casino Resort | Hot Springs, AR

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Arkansas Legislative Updates

DBH Weekly Legislative Updates




 HB 1145  

Wooten, Jim(R) To increase the purchase amount authorized for additional after-market equipment for a new motor vehicle purchased by a county or municipality.
Last Action: 1-15-25 H Introduced and referred to H-City, County and Local Affairs
 HB 1165  

Johnson, Lee(R) To prohibit different reimbursement rates for services performed by the same type of provider in different settings within the Arkansas Medicaid program.
Last Action: 1-16-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
 HB 1166  

Johnson, Lee(R) To clarify the types of epinephrine for use in elementary and secondary schools in this state.
Last Action: 1-16-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
 HB 1168  

Johnson, Lee(R) To provide criminal immunity for healthcare professionals for negligent acts or omissions.
Last Action: 1-16-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Judiciary
 HB 1169  

Johnson, Lee(R) To clarify the admission criteria for an involuntary commitment to include a person who is in a mental condition as a result of a medical condition.
Last Action: 1-16-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
 HB 1172  

Johnson, Lee(R) To add definitions to the Medicaid Fairness Act to ensure that all rule enforcement actions are appealable.
Last Action: 1-16-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
   All     Track   
Total Bills: 6  

2025 Legislative Session Dates & Deadlines

Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce Daily Legislative Updates

Industry Insights

McKinsey & Company: What to expect in US healthcare in 2025 and beyond

The McKinsey & Company article "What to expect in US healthcare in 2025 and beyond" highlights key trends anticipated to shape the healthcare landscape in 2025:

  • Patient Affordability and Cost Containment: Efforts to reduce out-of-pocket expenses and enhance price transparency are expected to continue, influenced by legislative measures like the Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to lower Medicare prescription costs.

  • Shift Toward Non-Acute Care Delivery: There's a projected movement from traditional hospital settings to non-acute care environments, including increased care provided at home. This transition is facilitated by advancements in healthcare technology and a focus on patient convenience.

  • Growth in Healthcare Technology and Specialty Services: Segments such as healthcare software, data analytics, and specialty pharmacy services are anticipated to experience significant growth, reflecting the industry's emphasis on digital transformation and personalized care.

The anticipated changes in the U.S. healthcare system could expand the responsibilities in home-based care, increase reliance on technology, and promote a continued focus on delivering cost-effective, high-quality services.

Access Full Article Here

HHS Strategic Plan for Use of AI Release

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its AI Strategic Plan on January 10, 2025, detailing a roadmap to responsibly implement artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, human services, and public health. The Plan focuses on improving safety, accessibility, equity, and health outcomes through AI while mitigating risks.

Key Goals of the Plan:

  1. Catalyzing AI Innovation: Accelerating breakthroughs to enhance people's health and well-being.
  2. Promoting Responsible AI Use: Ensuring ethical and safe adoption of AI to minimize potential harm.
  3. Democratizing AI Access: Facilitating equitable availability of AI technologies for all.
  4. Cultivating AI-Ready Workforce: Equipping staff with skills and resources to effectively integrate AI.

The Plan builds on existing HHS initiatives and includes regular updates, risk assessments, and stakeholder engagement to adapt to the rapidly evolving AI landscape. It aims to position HHS as a global leader in advancing AI responsibly, protecting patient safety, and promoting equity in its deployment across healthcare systems.

Learn More Here

Assessment of The ImPACTS Project

An article recently published in the Pediatric Emergency Care journal discusses how the ImPACTS program (Improving Acute Care Through Simulation) fosters partnerships between pediatric specialty centers (hubs) and general emergency departments (spokes) to enhance pediatric care through simulation-based training. The study highlighted key success factors, including strong institutional support, leadership buy-in, effective communication, and the role of Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators (PECCs). Barriers like resource logistics and lack of engagement were mitigated through collaboration. Outcomes included improved pediatric readiness, stronger clinical education, and enhanced institutional partnerships. 

Access Full Article Here

International Community Paramedic Career Structure

The document, An International Community Paramedic Career Structure: A Synthesis of the Literature, Regulatory Frameworks, and Community Paramedicine Expert Advice, investigates the emergence and structuring of community paramedicine (CP) as an essential extension of emergency medical services (EMS). This review synthesizes findings from global research, regulatory standards, and expert consultations to establish a career framework for community paramedics.

Key insights include:

  • Core Competencies: Identifies the unique skillsets required for community paramedics, blending emergency response capabilities with public health and primary care knowledge to address underserved and remote populations.

  • Training and Education: Highlights the need for specialized and standardized educational pathways that align with international best practices, ensuring community paramedics are adequately prepared for expanded roles.

  • Integration with Healthcare Systems: Stresses the importance of community paramedicine being recognized as an integral part of broader health systems to enhance access to care and reduce strain on emergency departments and hospitals.

  • Regulatory Support: Advocates for uniformity in certification and licensure processes to ensure career mobility and adherence to a standard scope of practice across jurisdictions.

  • Sustainability: Emphasizes the role of structured career progression, ongoing professional development, and supportive workplace policies in sustaining a skilled CP workforce.

This comprehensive approach aims to enhance the effectiveness, accessibility, and continuity of community-based care, positioning community paramedic programs as a vital solution to contemporary healthcare challenges.

Access Full Article Here

On the Horizon

Association of Arkansas Counties:

Winter County Judge Conference

February 26 - 28, 2025

When? February 26 - 28, 2025

Where? Wyndham Hotel in North Little Rock/Pulaski County

Be sure to visit the ArAA exhibitor booth! 

Winter CJAA Meeting | Association of Arkansas Counties

Vanguard & EMSNext Nominations Due January 31, 2025

2025 National Registry Update: EMR and EMT New Examination Blueprint Launch – Functional Activity

Register for the Webinar

When? January 23, 2025 at 11:00 am CST

*CEU Opportunity*

Arkansas Health Update

Respiratory Virus - % of Emergency Department Visits - CDC Data

The data is updated by the CDC weekly and can be accessed here.

Upcoming Events

 January 23, 2025: 2025 National Registry Update: EMR and EMT New Examination Blueprint Launch

January 27, 2025: Deadline to File Certain Healthcare & Retirement Legislation 

January 30 -31, 2025: Arkansas Association of Fire Chiefs Winter Workshop

January 31, 2025: Vanguard & EMSNext Nominations Due

February 12, 2025: Deadline to file constitutional amendments

February 26 - 28, 2025: Arkansas Winter County Judges Conference

April 29, 30, & May 1, 2025: 2025 Southern Regional EMS Expo


ArAA wants to hear from you!

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ArAA Mission

"The ArAA is committed to promoting excellence in emergency medical services and mobile health care transportation. Our members work collaboratively to find better ways to serve others."

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Arkansas Ambulance Association  

P.O. Box 11330 El Dorado, AR 71730

Visit our website at aaaintouch.com

Contact us at admin@aaaintouch.com