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ArAA Membership

The Arkansas Ambulance Association (ArAA) is a non-profit 501-c(6) organization incorporated in the State of Arkansas committed to the concerns of all sectors of the ambulance service community. Members include volunteers, public, private, and third service providers. 

For more than three decades, the ArAA has been listening to our members and promoting those issues that are most important to them. We need your involvement today not only as a member but through your daily involvement in our association. Our committees are focused on specific areas of concern to ambulance services and are seeking member involvement. The input and involvement of our members keeps us going.

The ArAA annual membership period is September 1 through August 31. Annual membership fees are payable by September 1. Please join us as we continue in our efforts to promote service excellence by clicking the link below.

Visit the link below to learn more about our membership classifications and to join today!


As an ArAA member, you will receive special discounts on seminars and conferences sponsored by the ArAA, email updates, ArAA's bimonthly newsletter, access to the ArAA website, plus much more. Your membership also supports our daily activities to review and react to the impact of legislative activity statewide and nationally as well as any federal or state agency policy or program changes. We maintain the unique ability to interface with policy members and lawmakers on behalf of our membership.

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